You might think I’m talking about rugby here, I could be, but I’m not. No I’m talking about ecology, the way in which our planet reproduces its natural and human resources to enable a dynamic but stable environment where mankind can live in harmony.
Wales was the first country in the world to produce an ecological footprint, in 2001. I hope I’m not, as they say in Yorkshire where I grew up, teaching me grandma to suck eggs here: an ecological footprint study sets out to identify the total environmental burden we place on the planet by our human activities, it uses available data on resource flows to measure this, often focussing on consumption (as opposed to production) of raw materials, energy and food, and accounts for the waste we produce through these activities. In other words it seeks to measure the ecological processes in any given area, transforms these into a convenient unit of comparison, in this case global hectares which can then be reduced to a per person measure so that the population can be aware of and compare their impact to other people and other countries.
Wales is a comparatively “good” country, it’s footprint is less than any other country or region in the U.K. , however having heaped praise on ourselves if we all lived like Wales then we would need a further two worlds to accommodate the human population, and unfortunately both the population and our footprints are currently going in the wrong direction. You could say that we humans are hastening our own death as a species, and that’s not “good.” It’s not, as some economists like E.F. Schumacher say, an example of “right livelihood”. We are living beyond our ecological means and Wales owes it to the world to maintain our leadership and do better.
But let’s give credit where credit is due, The Welsh Assembly is the only national government in the world to use the footprint as an indicator of progress for its overarching Sustainable Development Scheme, Learning to Live Differently. Moreover there is currently consultation on a Natural Environment Framework which follows on from similar crucial work happening internationally like The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity project.
The Welsh Government consultation “aims to increase our understanding of the value of our environment and how it contributes to our well-being. This will help us make better informed, long term decisions for the future of Wales.” If only we could act on those decisions with the appropriate powers.
Recently One Planet Wales has identified the potential to reduce the footprint by 75 % by 2050, but that this needs “action across the board,” with transformation of markets and distribution, energy and transport, agriculture, food policy, and almost every branch of production and consumption. You name it, we need to change it. They conclude that “this is no small challenge”, and indeed it isn’t, but then the Welsh population is not one to shy away from challenges. We just don’t own the tools to get the job done properly yet. This is because all these worthy and excellent reports have been produced under a regime which assumes that the Welsh Government, although it shows willing, does not have the control over some of the key “levers” in our society, both economic and political levers, which will enable us to transform our economy and society, and become a true, resilient country. A country which because of our success will have people queuing up on the other side of the border to get in and enjoy the ride, a problem that we will need to address in due time.
Lets get there first.
I don’t know about you, but over the last year, I have the feeling that there is building up a momentum, a sort of renaissance of thinking, propositions and reports coming out of Wales. Many of these cogently argue to dispel negative myths about what Wales could be like post independence and argue in positive terms for a new reality. Most recently I read Bethan Jenkins writing in WalesHome.org, a wonderful polemical article in support of Leanne Wood, truly inspirational. Any contemporary politician who is prepared to quote both David Harvey (a Marxist intellectual) and André Gorz (a libertarian utopian sociologist) in the same piece can’t be going too far wrong.
Other recent reports emanating from Plaid Cymru have outlined excellent strategies in the field of Energy, Transport, or “Collective Entrepreneurship”. And then there is Leanne Wood’s Greenprint for the Valleys, which sets out a number of practical steps and policies in different sectors which would go a long way towards revitalising The Valleys.
Last year Adam Price (with Ben Levinger) produced a report entitled “The Flotilla Effect”, which in a very detailed and finely researched analysis showed without doubt that given appropriate powers, country size should be no barrier to economic success in a globalised world. They potentially place independent Wales in a group of countries (like Denmark) which adopt supply side, open to trade, social-partnership models and say that “small size does appear to confer certain important advantages in relation to Economic Growth” especially in the context of the European Union’s Lisbon Agenda, and that small size seems to mean that small countries can more easily shift direction when the European, or world economic context changes (which it seems to be doing at present.)
Indeed they go on to show that although Wales’s Economic Growth has been on average 0.9% each year since 1990, if Wales had become independent at this time (along with other colonised countries especially those from the former Soviet Union) then Wales could have shown growth at 2.2 % or even 2.5 % depending on how you calculate the index. Marvellous we all say, licking our lips and clapping our hands, all we have to do now is convince the voting population, and this is one sure way of doing so, independence means more growth, more growth means better off, better off means vote for Plaid, and independence. Let’s go for it.
If only things were that simple. And this is where I start to differ. Apart from certain problems I have with the neo-liberal Lisbon Agenda, I’m more concerned about this slavish adherence to GDP as a good measure of progress. GDP does not measure distribution of income or wealth, nor does it measure well being, happiness or ecological effects. It’s a blunt tool.
So let’s go back to the Ecological Footprint. The latest report from the Stockholm Environmental Institute “Scenarios to 2020” says that Wales’ ecological footprint has been increasing by 1.5 % each year since 1990, in line with but at a faster rate than GDP growth. Imagine if we had had 2.5 % growth, then our E.F. could have been increasing by over 4 % each year. In the first case this would leave us with a 20% bigger E.F. in 2020 than in 2003, in the latter it could lead to an E.F. almost 50% bigger. A catastrophe. So there are some hard choices in priorities to be made.
And this is where we can turn to one school of Political Economy, Ecological Economics to offer a different analysis and different policy prescriptions to enable us to make those choices, still make progress economically, and provide greater well being for the population, while putting the future of the Earth (and mankind) at the heart of our plans. In the second part of this article I want to talk about the principles of this school of thought and then offer some policy ideas for a 10 year radical transformation post independence but always as a starting point for a debate amongst us.
“Economics cannot function in isolation, it has to take into consideration that we live in a world with finite resources, which we cannot replenish. Infinite, exponential or even rapid, straight line economic growth in a world with finite resources is impossible, but this is exactly what a growth driven, profit orientated system seeks!”

This might seem self evident, except that modern economics, (broadly since the advent of capitalism in the late eighteenth century ) be it Classical, Neo-Classical, Monetarist, Neo liberal, Keynesian, whatchamacallit Supply Side social partnership, even to a greater extent Marxist schools do not make this self evidence central to their analysis. This is surprising because the an etymological definition of economics means just that
“Economics is a science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses”Which is why some Ecological Economists consider that
“In a finite world, if you believe in exponential growth, then you are either a fool … or an economist”So how does Ecological Economics differ? Here is an academic definition from Saskia Sassen, probably the western world’s leading urban theorist and a recent convert:
Ecological Economics : What is it?
“Many of the biophysical stocks, flows and functions that we use are difficult to quantify and price through conventional understandings of markets, and others are simply invisible to conventional analysis: these are the issues taken up by ecological economists, beginning with the work of Rees (1992), Schulze (1994), Daly (1977) among others. In contrast with neoclassical economics, ecological economics seeks to move away from models of infinite economic growth that separate the economy from the environment and move towards a model of sustainable growth that integrates social capital, built capital, natural capital and human capital components (Gund Institute 2009). Ecological economics rejects the belief that economic growth alone can lead to development and seeks to incorporate measures of quality of life and environmental sustainability alongside GDP in assessing development as human well-being; it rejects the idea that new technologies can overcome all limits to growth, instead suggesting that there are real, insurmountable environmental limits to growth; and it emphasizes allocative efficiency over market efficiency (Costanza 2008; Gund Institute 2009).”In the 1970s Hermann E Daly a North American Economist takes up the mantle. Having studied for his PhD under Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen Daly’s first book in 1977 attacks the ideology of economic growth and argues that because the earth has become “full” of human economic activity, the biophysical limits to growth mean that we need to shift in all urgency to a steady-state economy. For Daly the great advance made by his mentor was “to reunite economics with its biophysical foundations,”

In the second part of this article, after a short break to take air, discuss and together debate this analysis, I’ll try and put together some practical applications. This will look at resource flows, waste, cap and trade, and shifting taxation away from labour and personal income to resource flows. How to design compensatory social programmes. Changes to finance, transport, mobility, food and agriculture.
But what do you think? are these useful ideas and principles for a post independence Wales? How can they help us to transform the Welsh economy? The discussion starts here :-)
Alun Griffiths is an Urbanist and Ecological Economist : In exile since the mid nineties he lives in Marseille and among other things teaches mature Masters students at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Aix – en – Provence, France. http://about.me/Alun_Wyn_ap_gruffydd
Further reading and listening:
Rydym wrthi'n cyfieithu'r erthygl hon, a bydd ar gael ar annibyniaeth.net yn fuan!
It seems that many people are reading this article which pleases me because it's the first in a series which should get more detailed and specific as they go on, and secondly as I wish to start a debate and use the debate to improve the next stage/step. Don't be afraid, these are new ideas for some people, perhaps many people but they also have a long history as well, J.S. Mill, and Ruskin were talking in a similar way 200 odd years ago, then capitalism/Industrial revolution came along and we got "taken along" in the wrong directions. A mate of mine from my days teaching in Sheffield saw an earlier draft and he had this to say...
Brian Tweedale "A small point, Alun: does Wales have a small carbon footprint because its manufacturing base has been wasted and it's poor? If Wales increases its growth, which you seem to see as a good thing, won't its carbon footprint grow as people spend more money on cars, imported goods and the like? What policies would you recommend to square this circle?"
I am Alain, one of Alun’s mature students in Sciences Politiques at Aix en Provence. In spite of Alun’s tremendous efforts, my English is not so good and I ask you to be really indulgent. I found it was very interesting to notice that small countries have much more facilities to develop ecological economy and ecological way of life. Unfortunately main problems are coming from the largest countries, like USA, China and so on… And the struggle for ecology should be a world wide struggle, shouldn’t ?
I wander what England will become when Scotland and Wales will be independent… I will follow that with a great interest !
I will be interested too by Alun’s next article concerning practical suggestions to make acts conform to ideas…
and from Pol Guezennec (http://www.facebook.com/pol.guezennec)with a name like that he could only be Breton ...
"Très impressionnant, bravo. ça dépasse de loin mes capacités en anglais, et en économie, hélas [;-)] Mais je crois avoir saisi l'idée d'un changement d'outils et de points de vue pour évaluer les situations (c'est important maintenant que tout est communication rapide). Evidemment le modèle de la croissance est absurde. Nous avons Mr de La Fontaine qui raconte l'histoire d'une grenouille qui veut devenir aussi grosse qu'un boeuf, à la fin elle éclate). Je pense aussi qu'il faut en élaborer d'autres, moins bêtes. Et, tu as raison, si je t'ai bien compris, la plus grande difficulté est de prendre le problème à la bonne échelle pour avoir une chance de modifier quelque chose. Bravo pour la largeur panoramique de ce regard [:-)] "
or in English
"Very impressive, congratulations. it far exceeds my ability in English, and economics, alas [;-)] But I think I understood the idea of a change of tools and perspectives to assess situations (this is important now that everything is fast communication). Obviously the pattern of growth is absurd. We have Mr La Fontaine tells the story of a frog who wants to become as big a beef, it bursts at the end). I also think it is necessary to develop other, less stupid. And you're right, if I understood correctly, the biggest challenge is to take the problem at the right scale for a chance to change something. Bravo for the width of the panoramic view [:-)]"
I don't think we should worry ourselves about Wales' 'ecological footprint', being a very small country with a small population and an even smaller industrial base its going to be small compared to the rest of the UK. Also it doesn't really matter that Wales was the first country to work out its own carbon footprint, it really doesn't.
Our Assembly, for starters we should have our own parliment, should concentrate on the bigger issue, like job creation, housing, immigration, infrastructure etc not something that won't affect our day to day lives.
I would like to know what abundant natural resources are you refering to? As far as i am aware the only abundant natural resource Wales has is coal, and thanks to a combination of corruptness foreign competition and greed Wales doesn't have a viable coal industry, and is likely never to again.
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