Wednesday 13 June 2007

New Welsh Independence Blog

There is a new kid on the Block.

Alan Jones is a Graduate of Coleg y Drindod, Caerfyrddin 1958-1960. He was a teacher of English as a Foreign Language, and taught overseas for 20 years in five different countries. In 2007 he rejoined Plaid Cymru and campaigned for Helen Mary Jones in Llanelli, working for Cymru and full independence. He is a Poet, philosopher, a Democratic radical pluralist and advocate of national unity and solidarity.

Pob Lwc gyda'r Blog Alan.


Dr. Mark L. Woods said...

Llongyfarchiadau i Alan! Croeso a'r byd rhinweddol!

Anonymous said...

Welcome aboard Alan.
Rhyddid - Nawr

Unknown said...

Diolch yn fawr i bob un.

Alan in Dyfed

Unknown said...

Please note that the Blog has been renamed : INDEPENDENCE CYMRU.

Diolch, Alan

Netty said...

I like the Welsh, culture & Wales, rwy'n siarad yr iaith but I find it hard to live here: